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Category: Criminal Defense

​How Big a Problem Is a Felony Charge?

How big a problem is a felony charge? Felony charges are some of the most serious criminal charges an individual can face. Like misdemeanors, a conviction on a felony charge can result in more than one year of incarceration, along with monetary fines and other high penalties. If you or someone you care about is […]

Do I need a lawyer for a first-time DUI?

Do I need a lawyer for a first-time DUI? Like every state, California treats driving under the influence of alcohol, or DUI, extremely seriously. This is because alcohol impairment and intoxication can severely impact a driver‘s ability to operate their vehicle safely. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the functioning of a driver’s central […]

What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?

Criminal convictions often lead to serious penalties, including lengthy jail times and high monetary fines. A conviction can also lead to numerous collateral consequences that may affect every aspect of your life, including your ability to get or keep a job, find a place to live, or spend time with family members and friends. Finally, […]

​Questions to Ask When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are currently pending criminal charges, you must retain a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you throughout your entire case. However, before retaining legal counsel, there are certain questions you should always ask—including those about the lawyer’s experience level defending clients against your particular charge. First and foremost, a knowledgeable attorney […]

How Does the Office of Administrative Hearings Work?

The state government is involved in many aspects of our daily lives. We receive driver’s licenses from the DMV, the state issues professional licenses, businesses enter into state contracts, and children receive special education services required under state and federal law. Hundreds of government agencies provide these services to millions of Californians, so it is […]

New 2021 California Criminal Law Changes

Major reforms to California’s criminal justice system are set to take effect January 1, 2021. Key changes include enlightening the treatment of criminal offenders, reducing those required to register as sex offenders for life by up to 90%, reforming the juvenile justice system, expanding the rights of ex-felons, banning police chokeholds, reforming jury selection, and fixing inequitable sentencing.

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