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Criminal Defense Law Blog

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a DUI Involving an Accident?

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) is a serious criminal offense in all 50 states, though each state has specific laws. Upon conviction, an offender may look at serious penalties, including losing a driver’s license, monetary fines, and even jail time. A judge may increase the penalties they might normally impose if […]

How Can a Lawyer Help Me After a DUI Involving Drugs?

How can a lawyer help me after a DUI involving drugs? It is against the law to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs (DUID). Police officers consider drivers to be “under the influence” when alcohol or drug impairment prevents them from operating their vehicles safely and carefully. For example, they may […]

What Happens if I Failed a Field Sobriety Test?

DUI stands for driving under the influence of alcohol, and this is a common criminal offense across the U.S. If a police officer stops your vehicle and suspects that you are under the influence, they may subject you to one or more field sobriety tests. If the officer determines that you are intoxicated or impaired, […]

What DUI Penalties Can a Lawyer Help Me Avoid?

DUI stands for driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. A conviction for DUI can have extremely serious penalties, including high monetary fines and jail time. Moreover, if you sustain a DUI conviction, you may lose your driver’s license for some time and suffer ongoing collateral consequences throughout your life. Given the serious nature […]

What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?

Criminal convictions often lead to serious penalties, including lengthy jail times and high monetary fines. A conviction can also lead to numerous collateral consequences that may affect every aspect of your life, including your ability to get or keep a job, find a place to live, or spend time with family members and friends. Finally, […]

What Do I Do After an Arrest for Drug Sales?

A conviction for drug sale or distribution can result in devastating legal penalties and collateral consequences that can affect every area of your life. Criminal court judges often sentence convicted drug offenders to significant jail time and require them to pay hefty financial penalties. In addition, a convicted drug offender may find it difficult to […]

How Can a Lawyer Help Me Get into a DUI Diversion Program?

Despite the constant warnings about drinking and driving, driving under the influence or DUI continues to be a constant problem nationwide. In fact, over 120,000 people in the state face DUI arrests every year. Approximately 5,000 of those arrests involve felony DUI charges, while the remaining DUIs are misdemeanors. When a state prosecutor satisfies their […]

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